Say What? #2

November 15, 2020

We Thrive?

By Elliott C. Osborne, a brother forever 2020

The task is greater than the warrior but not the Creator so take courage

In our call and we shall prevail

It is ordained that we sustain with the vision in our bodies we contain

Spiritual arrows in our quiver as we assail a defeated foe

Witness is our calling to others who may doubt or fear

Centuries of lived experience give pause to the lie we are overcome without hope

Joy is extracted from our tears as we recognize The Hand guiding our years

Brothers to the end which we, in this life, begin

We are not merely alive

We thrive in our mission to please our Lord in faith, righteousness and distribution of mercy in full ample supply as a Free gift for the gifted poured upon the uplifted

Through prayer, study, mentorship, training and sound counsel

Our existence is the Lord’s purpose and our voice a true witness

Our appeal is simple, you are alive so join us and Thrive in service with zeal

Thank you!

Elliott C. Osborne

Behold, how good and pleasant it is when brothers dwell in unity! Psalm 133:1-3